Professor Falk has conducted, over the past twenty-five years, many independent and collaborative research projects and medical studies on the topics listed below. He has attended conferences, conventions and workshops as a guest and presenter both nationally and worldwide.

Topics include:

  • Improving Survival in Oesophageal Gastric Carcinoma
  • Minimally Invasive Oesophageal Surgery
  • Cardiac Physiology of Giant Hiatus Hernia
  • Improving the Recurrence Rates in Surgery for Giant Hiatus Hernia
  • Improved Efficacy of Anti-Reflux Surgery
  • Endoscopic Eradication of Barrett’s Oesophagus: HALO/EMR
  • Reflux Related Cough
  • Surgery of the Spleen
  • Gastric Carcinoma

For a full list of publications, please visit Google Scholar 


Valsalva manouevre exacerbates left atrial compression in patients with large hiatal hernia.
Naoum C, Kritharides L, Sonali, Martin D, Falk GL, Yiannikas J. Echocardiography. Accepted June 2017.10.1111/echo.13628


Exercise –Induced Left Atrial Compression by a Hiatus Hernia
Naoum C, Falk G,Yiannikas J J Am Coll Cardiol, 2011; 58:27

Laryngopharyngeal reflux: diagnosis, treatment and latest research.
Falk GL, Vivian SJ. Journal of European Surgery 2016; 48(2): 74-91

When the Stomach Rules the Heart: Dyspnoea as a Neglected Complication of a Large Hiatal Hernia.
TH Marwick. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. Vol 58 (2011): 1635-36. [Editorial] Free full text.

Scintigraphy in laryngopharyngeal and gastroesophageal reflux disease: A definitive diagnostic test?
Falk GL, Beattie J, Ing A, Falk SE, Magee M, Burton L, Van der Wall H. World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2015;21(12):3619.

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    FAX : +612 8580 5085

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